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American Political Science Association 12Oth APSA, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

Lahat, L. “Public Administration, Trust, and Co-Production in Times of Crisis: Local Leaders' Experiences from an Extreme Crisis”


Midwest Political Science Association- 81 st MPSA, Chicago, IL, USA.
1) Lahat, L. & Ansell, C. “Collaborative Governance as a Grand Theory”.
2) Lahat, L., Sharony, C., Sharon, N. & Van Dum, G. “The
Relationship Between Perceptions of Social Service Quality and Well-being (or vice versa?)”.

International Conference of Public Policy (ICPP6). University of Toronto (Virtual).
Lahat, L. & Sharony, C. (with Lev, O., Abraham, V., Avigur-Eshel, A.).
“The Effect of Values, Institutional Trust, and Risk Perceptions on Support for Policy Tools in the Area of Immunization against Covid-19: A Comparative Study”.

Association of Israel Studies (AIS), New-York University, USA.
Lahat, L. & Regev Nathansohn. “Social Equity in Public Administration: Digital Applications in Smart City Projects in 'Mixed' Cities in Israel”.


Midwest Political Science Association Conference (MPSA), Chicago, USA.

Lahat, L. (With Sharony, C., Lev, O., Abraham, V., Avigur-Eshel, A) “The Effect of Values, Institutional Trust, and Risk Perceptions on Support for Policy Tools in the Area of Immunization against Covid-19: A Comparative Study”.



European Group for Public Administration (EGPA), ISCSP, Lisbon, Portugal

Lahat, L. Klenk, T. & Pitowsky-Nave, N. “Street-Level Bureaucrats
as Policy Entrepreneurs and Collaborators: Findings from Israel and Germany”.


The European Network for Social Policy Analysis (ESPAnet), University of Vienna, Austria

Lahat, L. Klenk, T. & Pitkowsky-Nave, N. “Street-Level Bureaucrats
as Policy Entrepreneurs and Collaborators: Findings from Israel and Germany”.



International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies, ISQOLS, (Virtual). Lahat, L. Scala, F. & Keynan, O. “Perceptions of Time and Well-Being during the Covid-19 Pandemic: An Analysis of Social Media Sites and Implications for policy”.  



International Conference of Public Policy, ICPP5, Barcelona (Virtual). And IPSA-
AISP, 26th World Congress of Political Science, Lisbon (Virtual). And the 9th European Association of Israel Studies (EAIS) Bucharest (Virtual)
Lahat, L. &; Sened, I. "The connection between behaviors, desires, and policy
alternatives as a feedback mechanism that reinforces policy design and policy


The Association of Israel studies, AIS, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
(Virtual). And International Conference of Public Policy, ICPP5, Barcelona
Regev Nathansohn &; Lahat, L. "Can Distrust Lead to Citizens’ Involvement in
Smart Cities? The Israeli Case of a Neighbourhood in Haifa".


International Conference of Public Policy, ICPP4, Concordia University, Montreal. Lahat, L. "Changing expectations?  The regulation of personal social services".  



Midwest Political Science Association- 76th MPSA, Chicago, IL, USA.
Lahat, L. & Sened, I. "Is It Time for a Time Policy? Time Uses and Subjective Well-being". 


ISQOLS 15th, Conference, Quality of Life: Towards a Better Society, Innsbruck, Austria. Lahat, L. & Sened, I. "Uses of Time and Social Outcomes".


International Conference of Public Policy, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Singapore. Lahat, L., & Sher-Hadar, N. "Collaborative Governance and Public Values: Examples from the Israeli Case".


Policy & Politics conference, Bristol University, Bristol, UK. Lahat, L. "Academia and Practice: The Challenge of Collaboration".


Policy & Politics conference, Bristol University, Bristol, UK 
Lahat, L., & Sabah, Y. "Leadership and Trust in an Era of Collaborative Governance: The Case of an Outcome-Oriented Project in the Israeli Social Services".


International Summer School, Collegio Carlo Alberto, [Beyond New Public Management?] University of Milano & University of Torino, Torino. Lahat, L., & Talit, G. "The Challenge of Building Regulatory Mechanisms in the Era of New Public Management: The Case of Personal Social Services in Israel".

In Israel:

תמונה כנס מדע המדינה.jpeg


ESPAnet Israel, Haifa University, and Israel Political Science Association, Tel-Aviv University

“The Effect of Values, Trust, and Risk Perceptions on Support for Policy Tools in the Area of Immunization against Covid-19: A Comparative Study” (With Chen Sharony, Ori Lev, Villy Abraham, Amit Avigur-Eshel).

Association for Israel Studies, AIS. Lahat, L. Keynan. O, & Scala, F. “The Government-Citizen Relationship as Reflected in Facebook:
A Comparison of Israel and Ontario During Covid-19”, Bar-Ilan University.

ESPAnet Israel, Lahat, L. Keynan. O, & Scala, F.  ”The ‘canary in the coal mine’ – Social Media Sites as a Tool for Public Administration Learning: Perceptions of Time and Well-Being
during the Covid-19 Pandemic”, The Hebrew University.


Lahat, L. & Sened, I. "Time and policy: Time uses, time preferences and policy perceptions in Israel", Western Galilee College, Israel. 


Lahat, L.  "Changing expectations? The regulatory narrative of personal social services", Regulation for welfare: International workshop, Hebrew University, Israel.


Lahat, L. & Sened, I. "Time and policy: Time uses, time preferences and policy perceptions in Israel", Espanet Israel,  Ruppin Academic Center, Israel.  


Lahat, L. & Sabah, Y. "Adapted regulation as a possible model for personal social services: Theoretical and practical aspects".; Sher-Hadar, N. & Lahat L. "Collaborative Governance and Public Values: Examples from the Israeli Case".; Lahat, L. & Sened, I. "Is It Time for a Time Policy? Time Uses and Subjective Well-being". ESPAnet Israel, The Academic College of Emek Yezreel, Israel.


Lahat, L., & Ofek, D. "Public Employees' Well-being", Israel Political Science Association, Tel-Aviv-Yafo Academic College, Israel.


Lahat, L., & Ofek, D. "Public Employees' Well-being", ESPAnet Israel, Bar-Ilan, University, Israel.

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